Hacking Reality Technique
Would you like to take your EFT practice to a whole new level?
Hacking Reality is a way of using EFT tapping to help the Younger Self trapped within a traumatic memory. We can go far beyond simply discharging our client's emotional distress and actually reverse their negative core beliefs. And this happens in a profound creative process that ends with a beautiful new picture for the Younger Self.
Helping clients let go of crippling beliefs like "I'm unlovable" or "It's Not Safe to Trust Anyone" completely upgrades their experience of life. And the process is gentle and creative, and ends with a beautiful new picture for their Younger Self. It's almost like having a wonderful new memory.
For more about the book, click here
Working with Younger Selves
One of the quirks of human nature seems to be that whenever something terrible happens we automatically ask "Why is this happening to me?" Our answer to the question is basically a decision. A decision about ourselves or about how the World works. And the younger we are the crazier those decisions tend to be. Often we decide whatever happened is our fault, because we're some version of bad.
The problem is that these decisions become perceptual filters, changing the way we interpret new experiences. We begin to see what we expect to see, and seem to find ongoing confirmation that we really are a bad kid. Or that having too much money really is dangerous, or that relationships always do end in misery.
Working directly with our client's Younger Selves, we're able to explain things to them, helping them understand what's happening from a new perspective. And skillful EFT tapping supercharges this process. With Hacking Reality we're able to change the outcome for the Younger Self to something really positive and empowering. This is a profound way of encoding new positive beliefs that overwrite the original decisions. These new pictures are wonderful to experience and revisit.
Hacking Reality Practitioner Training
Hacking Reality Level 1
- Quantum Reality & Trauma
- Working with Younger Selves
- Fully & Gently Resolving Traumatic Memories
- Changing the ‘Past’
- Finding & Changing Core Beliefs
- How to Access Repressed & Early Childhood Memories
- Generational Healing
- Working with Dissociated Clients
- Resolving Death Trauma
- Leveraging Epigenetics to Heal the Body
Hacking Reality Level 2
- The Dynamics of Reenactment
- Working In-Utero
- Birth Trauma
- Past Life Resolution
- Surrogate Work in the Field
- Resolving Sexual Trauma
- Physical & Emotional Abuse
- Procrastination
- Undoing Guilt & Regret
- Future Self Anchoring
- Receiving Intuitive Guidance
Hacking Reality Level 3
- Quantum Healing Tools
- Narcissistic Abuse
- Blocks to Success
- Guiding Stars
- Grief & Loss
- Addiction
- Retrocausation
- Depression & Anxiety
- Working with Complex Memories
- Feedback Loops

Level 1 is designed to get you up and running with the basic technique, confidently working with clients.
Level 2 addresses many of the most common and challenging client issues, including an empowering section on working with abuse.
Level 3 takes the work even deeper and includes some of Rob's newest work on dealing with narcissistic abuse and quantum healing tools he uses for injuries and disease. We've gone to a 3 workshop format to offer more practice time and more demos, to help you feel confident and enthusiastic working with clients.
We offer a range of discounts, including early registration and signing up for 2 or 3 of the levels together.
Our Current HR Pricing Structure
Earlybird Regular
Level 1 $415 (save $30) $445
Level 1&2 $800 (save $90) $860 (save $30)
Level 1-3 $1135 (save $200) $1235 (save $100)
If you've already taken the Matrix Reimprinting workshops with Rob, you're eligible to take HR Levels 1 & 2 with the REPEAT discount of just $100 each.
You must have taken EFT Level 1 & 2 live workshops to qualify for taking Hacking Reality. You don't have to be a certified EFT practitioner.
Click Here for Upcoming Workshops