Certified EFT Practitioner Directory
All of our practitioners are excellent. And because sessions really are just as effective by Zoom, Skype, FaceTime or phone, you aren't stuck with whoever happens to be local or within driving distance. Listed below are some of the top practitioners on the planet!
It makes a tremendous difference who you work with. We recommend using your intuition to choose any practitioner you feel an affinity with. Please notice who you feel most drawn to and feel free to contact them with any questions you might have.
Marcella Friel
Marcella offers a coaching practice that helps health-conscious adults resolve their chronic struggles with food and self-image. A longtime meditation practitioner, Marcella combines laser-sharp insight, playful humor, and a gentle inquisitiveness that helps clients feel held, seen, and at ease, even as they’re working through their deepest and darkest stuff.
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Sonoma, CA & Crestone, CO
In-Person, Phone and Zoom
Jeanette Logan
I'm a Natural Wellness Coach who has been studying and practicing holistic health since 1985. I specialize in stress and pain relief, self-esteem, and Body/Soul Fitness for optimal health and playful joy. I am passionate about working with health-minded women who are struggling with stress and pain due to changes they're going through as they age.
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Vallejo, California
In-Person, Phone and Skype
Lynne Sgambati, LMFT
I am thrilled to offer my clients gentle yet powerful sessions that get to the core of what is not working in their lives so they can commit to living that which they most deeply care about. I am a body worker and energy healer for over 30 years and integrate both traditional and current modalities.
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Berkeley, California
In-Person, Phone and Skype
Amy Piper
We are meant to live a life of joy! It is our birth right. My specialty involves working with individuals to resolve harmful experiences of the past as well as releasing pain in the areas of love and relationships. I love to work with people to stop the cycle of old patterns and create a spirit of lightness in their daily lives.
My formal education is as a Speech-Language Pathologist, working with adults who have suffered brain injuries. I am also a certified as a Matrix Reimprinting practitioner and Kundalini yoga instructor.
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Los Angeles, California
In-Person, Phone and Zoom
Emma Ward
I am very passionate about helping others in all areas of their lives, divorce, abuse, trauma, low self-esteem, anxiety, and depression.My goal is to give you the freedom to express love easily and walk upon this planet with grace and confidence, embracing your true authentic power and realizing your full potential as a human being.
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Los Angeles, CA
In-Person, Phone and Zoom
Isabelle Mizrahi
Isabelle Mizrahi is a Holistic Health Practitioner integrating healing modalities like EFT, Matrix Reimprinting and Dolphin Energy Healing with extraordinary results. Her approach and passion is to empower people to heal from within. She is fully certified in these modalities. Being a citizen of the world and having lived and traveled in different countries all her life she is fluent in English, Spanish, French and Dutch. She is a born teacher and loves to teach EFT around the world.
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Bologna, Italy
In-Person, Phone and Skype
Deanna Lyons
Deanna works with people who are tired of being stressed out and ready to do something out of the ordinary to gain freedom from the obsessive thoughts and/or compulsive behaviors that accompany the stress. Deanna skillfully guides clients to liberate themselves and feel ALIVE today ~ even in the midst of the chaos!
While Deanna works with a variety of issues, she is currently focusing on helping people who are fed up with all the conflicting advice around what to eat or not eat.
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Reno, NV
In-Person, Phone and Zoom
Cathy Hartenstein
Cathy is dedicated to helping people create more bliss in their lives and realize their highest potential.
In her work she strives to help her clients reconnect to themselves and overcome their personal obstacles to realize their greatest potential.
By constantly investigating what drives us, why we do the things we do, and searching for the beauty that she sees in humanity, she empowers people to release old trauma and live their best life.
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720 291-9959
Sedona, AZ
Sessions: In Person, Phone and Zoom
Pamela Wright
I specialize in working with people who have anxiety, low self esteem and traumatic childhood memories that have created a cycle of self defeating thoughts, behaviors and patterns. These memories have become so deeply ingrained that they disrupt all systems of the body, causing poor health, poor choices, and attracting poor relationships. My clients have a sense that these memories are blocking their energy, holding them back from reaching their highest potential. I can help guide you to the core of the negative belief that is keeping you stuck and transform it completely.
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(801) 661-0329
Salt Lake City, Utah
Sessions: In Person, Phone and Zoom
Steph Dodds
I am here for you. My mission is healing: people, communities, and the planet. Getting to the “it” underneath, to the root that is causing suffering, and pulling that sucker out so it doesn’t grow back.. Creating Peace, from the inside out, was the way I found my inner awesomeness, self-love, purpose, and abundance. I am a here to help you find yours, because your gifts are too important not to share with the world.
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Sacramento, CA
In-Person, Phone, Zoom & FaceTime
Bonnie Grossman
When we have undigested life experiences (aka trauma) we separate from ourselves. To fulfill our dreams, Life asks us to reclaim our wholeness by collecting parts of ourselves that have been deeply hurt, rejected, or lost along the way. As we grow in integration, we grow in our vibrancy and capacity to live the Beauty of our original design with ease, confidence, joy, and worthiness to manifest. You deserve this!
My passion is to help you clear your wounds, get your magnificence, and shine your gorgeousness on this planet for the benefit of your happiness and fulfillment as well as that of everyone in your life and in need of your unique contributions.
I would be honored to work with you.
With love and kindness,
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Novato, CA
In-Person, Phone and Zoom
Cyrus Bush
It is my goal to help people who doubt their own worth, doubt their ability and who feel trapped by life … unloved and unable to love themselves. Nothing is more rewarding than helping another person begin to realize just how amazing they are and to embrace and celebrate their uniqueness … and to begin believing in themselves. It is my desire to help you grow in confidence and to experience a brand new level of peace, love and purpose in your life! When I discovered EFT and Matrix Reimprinting, it actually revolutionized my life in many ways. I invite you to experience the revolution for yourself.
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Winston-Salem NC
In Person, Phone, Zoom
Victoria Vines
Victoria uses a combination of emotional clearing with EFT & Matrix Reimprinting, homeopathy, nutrition and PSYCH-K balancing uniquely tailored to each client’s unique body and health history.
As a Holistic Health Practitioner with a BA in psychology, Victoria is dedicated to sharing the life changing techniques that enabled her to overcome an autoimmune disorder, helping her clients become healthy and living their best life.
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Dallas, TX
In-Person, Phone, Zoom & FaceTime
Carol Ann DeMilo
I care about freedom! For me, flow is about regaining our bearings, our grounding and about reconnecting with our wisdom within. I specialize in working with people who are experiencing a sense of “being stopped” or “moving through molasses.”
I work together to move emotional energy that is stuck in the body and to shift and release painful memories, limiting beliefs and ultimately, sabotaging patterns.
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Taos, NM
Phone, Zoom & FaceTime
Lisa Nichols
As a business momentum coach, Lisa is wild about helping business owners and professionals get things done in their businesses. When you’re stuck or feeling resistance - whether it’s around getting the word out, addressing a problem, starting or completing a project, or anything else – Lisa helps you find the solutions, drop the resistance, and get it done. Lisa brings years of project management, business analysis, operations and communications experience to her coaching.
Lisa guides you to and then eliminates the limiting beliefs that keep you stuck so you can have the success you want with confidence and ease.
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Concord, CA
In-person, Phone and Zoom
Torrey Postal
My passion is to facilitate clients and students to live their most radiant and resilient life!
Using EFT & Matrix Reimprinting, Trauma Release Yoga and Yoga for Healthy Aging; I aim to empower my clients to, ultimately, help themselves.
We are all a work in progress with our unique life experiences and baggage that can show up as obstacles in our lives. These gentle, effective tools promote deep self-healing, allowing the best possible version of ourselves to shine through. I have personally found all of these tools to be useful in my own journey to achieving my full potential.
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Tucson, AZ
Phone, Zoom and FaceTime
Claudia Logan, RN
I assist clients in addressing the physical and emotional issues that are the root causes of all problems and illnesses experienced in their life. When we work on healing ourselves then we totally support ourselves in doing whatever we are meant to do in this lifetime.
I have spent decades in the medical world. I won’t diagnose you, but we can do EFT to support your body in doing its healing work on itself.
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Santa Barbara, Carpenteria, CA
Phone, Zoom & FaceTime
Clarymond Hardt
My passion is to empower you to create health, happiness and live a more meaningful life! I’m highly intuitive and have empathic abilities — which allows me to feel your pain when I tune into it. This gift comes in pretty handy when I’m engaged in healing work with a client, because pain is also the source of our healing potential. In Rumi’s words: “The wound is the place where light enters you.”
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310 403 4772
Altadena, CA
Phone, Zoom & FaceTime
Bryn Lowrie Yahn, M.S., L.P
As a Licensed Psychologist (MN) with many years of experience, I specialize in mind-body-energy healing modalities. EFT, Hacking Reality, and Reiki are among the many methods that I use to help people to heal. My intuition helps guide our sessions, which allows you to peel back layers, remove your blocks, and find your true self again. Being a healer has always been my purpose and life’s passion.
Some of the issues I work with include anxiety, codependency/boundary setting, stress/overwhelm, weight issues, and grief/loss. I also work with highly sensitive empaths that want to reclaim their own lives again.
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Bryn Lowrie Yahn, M.S., L.P.
Phone and Zoom
Carmen Edwards
After practicing as a licensed professional counselor for more than 20 years and thinking I was retired for good in 2009, I have rekindled an old commitment to help others and now work as a support and wellness coach.
That commitment is also a passion. It is a burning desire within me to support and teach women as they journey toward empowerment and transformation. That commitment supports my desire to help and encourage women as they work through the barrage of blocks and repeated patterns that hold them back during their personal journeys.
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Hot Springs Village, AR
Phone, Zoom and FaceTime
Christina Law
As a totally blind practitioner, I use EFT and Hacking Reality to “tap” into my clients’ younger selves and the roots of their issues. The younger self or wounded child within is still holding onto traumas, limiting beliefs and repressed feelings blocking our ability to receive and express love and joy now as adults.
I light up when a client makes a discovery about what has been at the root of a long-held issue.
I warmly welcome and invite you to unearth the hidden gem you are and let’s light the world up together!
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Santa Rosa, CA
Phone, Zoom & FaceTime
Natalie Glanell
Hi - I’m Natalie! I’ve spent the last several years studying the intricate layers of human potential and the connection of what “mind, body, soul” really entails. What I’ve learned is that the connection between the heart, brain, and quantum field is one trip that we’ll always be on (here at least)! Along my journey I was drawn to explore EFT and suddenly gained first-hand experience of “dropping my baggage” permanently. Now I get to help others do the same! The tools and modalities I use are practical, profound, and teachable to everyone - all you need is your willingness to show up.
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Maryland, USA
In-Person, Phone and Zoom
Cindy Ann Fritze
My passion in life has always been the healing arts. My experience as a hospice RN has shown me the true satisfaction of what is possible around helping others with their physical, emotional and spiritual needs.
I specialize in shifting emotional energy that sabotages your happiness, ability to be at peace, and a sense of comfort in your own skin.
EFT allows me to follow my lifelong passion of helping free and empower anyone looking for transformation.
You really can be all that you want to be.
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Duluth, MN
Phone & Zoom
Sonja Micocci
Through my WonderFulLife Wellness practice, I offer Tapping, Nutrition for Mental Health, Ayurvedic Consultation, Yoga offerings and Emotional Wellness Coaching.
As a California LMFT and EFT practitioner, I’ve been able to address severe trauma with my clients, seeing faster, deeper and more profound change and relief from symptoms.
With EFT and Hacking Reality, we’re able to access the root of our negative core beliefs and ‘rewrite the script’, freeing us from the burden of old programming. accessing more realistic, more empowering ways of living.
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Sacramento, CA
In-Person, Phone and Zoom
Jacqueline Brulotte
Greetings, I’m Jacqueline. I have been interested in the healing arts, and personal transformation for most of my life, and love the human potential; truly we are infinite beings.
I am excited to share the transformational alchemy of EFT, Hacking Reality® and Inner Wisdom Hypnosis.
Turning our personal toxic “lead” that weighs us down, blocks us more our divine alignment, into the “gold” our soul craves. Allowing more ease to live a soul satisfying life, guided by our hearts and souls.
We all hold unique gifts within us, and the world needs them. It is time to shine and spread those wings.
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Olympia, WA
In-Person, Phone and Zoom
Lisa Latham
Lisa Latham is a skilled EFT and Hacking Reality practitioner from the island of Bermuda. With a background as a professional counselor and years of helping clients, Lisa has wonderful listening skills, perceptive insight and highly developed intuitive abilities.
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In-Person, Phone and Zoom
Tom Wallace
Are you ready to upgrade your life?
Hi! My name is Tom Wallace and I’m here to help you make remarkable and lasting changes in your life. (All sessions are on Zoom or over the phone.)
•Are you troubled by distressing memories?
•Do you experience crippling anxiety?
•Do you struggle with binge eating?
•Do you work harder than others to prove yourself?
•Do you often react more strongly than you intend?
You’ve come to the right place!
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Maine, USA
Phone and Zoom
Kristin Ann
Ready to finally crush your weight loss goals and put your food issues behind you…even if you've already tried everything else?
Hi, I’m Kristin and I’m here to help you change your life and get your sparkle back!
If you've tried almost every diet and exercise program out there with little success, find yourself in the refrigerator late at night (again) or just can’t figure out why you keep sabotaging your weight loss efforts…I want you to know it’s not your fault...
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California, USA
Phone and Zoom
Milana Leshinsky
I’ve been a business coach since 2002, helping entrepreneurs grow their businesses online. One of the biggest obstacles to growth I discovered is one that cannot be “fixed” by coaching or training. It’s all the fears that stop people from playing bigger and truly going after their dream business. That’s exactly why I chose to become an EFT practitioner! Having built multiple companies myself, I would love to help you remove fears and resistance that have been holding you back from creating the business you’ll love.
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York, PA
Zoom or phone
Marica Viczian
Are you ready to release what's holding you back? I use EFT Tapping and Matrix ReImprinting to help you overcome limiting beliefs & difficult memories.
Have you ever wondered why you can’t do the things you need to do to make yourself happy/healthy?
Do you feel stuck, unable to move forward or repeating the patterns over and over again?
Do you know of something in your past that is holding you back? That still hurts? And you don’t know how to move past it, how to come to peace with it?
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California, USA
Zoom or phone
Laura Luther
Laura is passionate about health and healing. It is her passion to help others use EFT tapping, and Hacking Reality, as a self help tools, to clear all unwanted emotions and memories from the mental "loops", that keeps them active in our daily lives. EFT allows deep seated, self sabotage, anxiety, compulsive behavior ("the loops") to be eliminated PERMANENTLY, allowing Emotional Freedom, and real healing to begin. Even one session can be very powerful to make major shifts of long stuck "stuff". It is a gift she would love to share with you. It truly is a gift....for life! You are so worth it!
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Redmond, Oregon
Phone, Zoom and In-Person
Larissa Lambrou
No matter where you are on this journey called life, bumps and challenges exist. Fortunately, everything you need is already within you, it's just a matter of uncovering your personal blueprint and clearing the way. Inner exploration is an essential part of clearing the path, but just because this is your own unique self journey, doesn't mean you have to do it alone. Unwavering and wholehearted support can make all the difference in your experience and success in getting where you wish to be.
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California, USA
Phone and Zoom
Tamika Wells
Tamika Wells helps clients break recurring cycles of abusive and unhealthy relationship patterns. Through somatic tapping techniques and prayer, she helps people reconnect with every part of themselves. Through acceptance and deep empathy, clients see transformation in their emotional and mental state. As clients make peace with their past and their old story, they are empowered to create new stories and positive outcomes. The new transformations tend to attract mutually beneficial relationships, and even better financial outcomes.
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North Carolina, USA
Phone and Zoom

Torri Jenn
Torri Jenn is a gifted EFT & Hacking Reality practitioner based in Iowa.
Phone and Zoom
Emily Allison
With a background in music, Kundalini Yoga and Hacking Reality, I specialize in empowering clients to overcome limiting beliefs and achieve balance. Through gentle tapping and insightful coaching, I help individuals release stress, anxiety, and past traumas. Committed to creating a safe and supportive space, my goal is to facilitate transformative experiences that promote holistic well-being. Whether addressing specific issues or enhancing overall emotional resilience, I tailor sessions to meet each client's unique needs. Together, we'll navigate the terrain of emotions toward a more harmonious and fulfilling life.
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British Columbia, Canada
Phone and Zoom
Gabrielle Anand
I discovered the profound potential of EFT Tapping when it gracefully entered my life, transforming perceived limitations into invaluable gifts. Guiding others through their emotional journey, I've witnessed the remarkable liberation and empowerment it brings. My approach is deeply intuitive, combining gentle tapping and compassionate coaching to facilitate emotional release and personal growth. Each session is tailored to meet the unique needs of my clients, fostering a supportive environment where they can embrace their true selves. My mission is to cultivate spaces where individuals can freely express their authentic truths, paving the way for autonomy, joy, and fulfillment.
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Mallorca, Spain
English & French Sessions on Zoom
Heather Figore
Heather Figore is an Academy Certified EFT Practitioner and Hacking Reality practitioner.
Washington, DC USA
Phone and Zoom
Marni Gittleman
I understand that life can be challenging, whether it's a specific issue, a feeling of overwhelm, circumstantial, relational, health-connected, past anchoring or about shaping the future. That's why I'm here - - to support you in finding your ease, flow, lightness of BEing and fulfillment. As a certified EFT practitioner with a complement of established expertise in the fields of wellness (therapeutic, trauma informed and kundalini yoga, reiki), education, art and creative coaching, I offer compassionate guidance that integrates a heart-centered, mind-body-spirit approach to well-being.
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California, USA
Zoom & In-person for specialized sessions and workshops.
Haley Dyson
I am dedicated to our collective journey of healing, growth, and inner balance. I am here to empower people like you to overcome emotional obstacles, release deep-rooted traumas, and navigate life's complexities with newfound resilience. I am passionate about encouraging people to shine, feel empowered, and connect with their most authentic, vibrant, balanced, and sovereign self. Healing is about compassionately embracing ALL parts of ourselves and therefore creating tangible and sustainable transformation. Together, we'll illuminate the path to your inner core and help you live authentically, from an empowered place of self-love and acceptance.
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California, USA
Phone and Zoom
Viktoria Meyerhoff
Are you worried about your career? Struggling with imposter syndrome? Feeling overwhelmed, no matter how much you do? As an engineer and trained EFT practitioner, I bring a unique blend of analytical and empathetic skills to my practice. I am passionate about helping individuals break free from emotional barriers and live a more fulfilling life.
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Boulder, CO
Sessions by Zoom
Tess Allen
I'm Tess Allen. I want to make energy medicine less woo-woo and give you the tools to regulate your nervous system, unleash your creativity, and find ultimate fulfillment from within.
My work combines the world of subconscious healing (think: EFT tapping, embodiment training, re-patterning, shadow work) and the neuroscience-based protocols of peak performance flow to help you gain clarity, stop sabotaging, and get sh*t done.
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Texas, USA
Phone and Zoom
Rob Nelson
Rob Nelson is director of Tapping the Matrix Academy and author of Hacking Reality & Seven Secret Reasons. Rob brings humor and years of clinical insight to issues like sexual trauma, weight problems, narcissistic abuse, divorce recovery and more. Rob will help you get to the root of your issues and reach a new and better plateau in life.
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California, USA
Phone and Zoom