Claudia Logan, RN - Certified EFT Practitioner
We all need to dedicate ourselves to our life path - what we are meant to do in this life. I'm here to support you in finding and following your own path.
I have spent decades in the medical world. We know that the body is always working on itself but when we are anxious and stressed-out, we develop a “Dis-ease” caused by elevated cortisol and adrenaline levels that suppresses our immune systems.
I won’t diagnose you, only your doctor can do that, but with EFT and Matrix Reimprinting we can support your body in doing its healing work on itself.
I assist clients in addressing the physical and emotional issues that are the root causes of all problems and illnesses experienced in their life. When we work on healing ourselves then we totally support ourselves in doing whatever we are meant to do in this lifetime.
With EFT and Matrix Re-imprinting we'll work on clearing the traumas and stress you’ve experienced in this lifetime as a baby, as child, and all throughout your life.
I am very dedicated to helping nurses and doctors clear the traumas they experience on a daily basis in their work. We connect the right way with our patients when we release past traumas and work on healing ourselves.
We often attack ourselves when our patient decides to leave their body as we think we missed doing something to keep them alive. And yet, we know as NDE’ers (people who actually die, but come back into their bodies and live again) that we always decide when it’s time to die.
I am a member of the Board of the IANDS group in Santa Barbara (International Association of NearDeath Studies). We also confirm to people that it is normal to have an SDE (Shared Death Experience) and STE (Spiritually Transformative Experience) and OBE (Out of Body Experience).
Gary Craig, the founder of EFT has also created a new form of healing called Optimal EFT. I have also been involved and trained in that.
Let's do a 15 minute, no-charge phone call to discuss how EFT sessions might be beneficial for you.
Claudia Logan, RN
Santa Barbara & Carpenteria, CA
In-Person, Phone & Zoom